



学历:研究生 学位:博士




徐流杰,博士,二级教授,博导。1998年本科毕业于bet5365中文亚洲版(洛阳工学院),2017年博士毕业于西安交通大学;美国密歇根大学访问学者;国际期刊Frontiers in Materials客座副主编;全国铸造标准化技术委员会耐磨材料与铸件分技术委员会委员;中国材料与试验团体标准委员会委员。现任金属材料磨损控制与成型技术国家地方联合工程研究中心副主任、河南省耐磨材料工程技术研究中心主任。

















[1] L. Xu, W. Song, S. Ma, Y. Zhou, K. Pan, S. Wei, Effect of slippage rate on frictional wear behaviors of high -speed steel with dual-scale tungsten carbides (M6C) under high-pressure sliding-rolling condition, Tribology International, 154 (2021).

[2] S. Wei, L. Xu, Review on Research Progress of Steel and Iron Wear-Resistant Materials, Acta Metall. Sin., 56 (2020) 523-538.

[3] L. Xu, T. Sun, Y. Zhou, F. Xiao, M. Zhang, S. Wei, Evaluating compressive property and hot deformation behavior of molybdenum alloy reinforced by nanoscale zirconia particles, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 860 (2021).

[4] L. Xu, F. Wang, F. Lu, Y. Zhou, C. Chen, S. Wei, Microstructure and erosion wear properties of high chromium cast iron added nitrogen by high pressure in alkaline sand slurry, Wear, 476 (2021).

[5] L. Xu, F. Wang, Y. Zhou, X. Wang, C. Chen, S. Wei, Fabrication and wear property of in-situ micro-nano dual-scale vanadium carbide ceramics strengthened wear-resistant composite layers, Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 953-964.

[6] L. Xu, S. Wei, F. Xiao, H. Zhou, G. Zhang, J. Li, Effects of carbides on abrasive wear properties and failure behaviours of high speed steels with different alloy element content, Wear, 376 (2017) 968-974.

[7] L. Xu, X. Fan, S. Wei, D. Liu, H. Zhou, G. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Microstructure and wear properties of high-speed steel with high molybdenum content under rolling-sliding wear, Tribology International, 116 (2017) 39-46.

[8] F. Xiao, L. Xu, Y. Zhou, K. Pan, J. Li, W. Liu, S. Wei, Preparation, microstructure, and properties of tungsten alloys reinforced by ZrO2 particles, Int J Refract Met H, 64 (2017) 40-46.

[9] F. Xiao, L. Xu, Y. Zhou, K. Pan, J. Li, W. Liu, S. Wei, A hybrid microstructure design strategy achieving W-ZrO2(Y) alloy with high compressive strength and critical failure strain, J Alloy Compd, 708 (2017) 202-212.

[10] L. Xu, S. Wei, J. Xing, R. Long, Effects of carbon content and sliding ratio on wear behavior of high-vanadium high-speed steel (HVHSS) under high-stress rolling sliding contact, Tribology International, 70 (2014) 34-41.

[11] L. Xu, S. Wei, M. Han, R. Long, Effect of Carbides on Wear Characterization of High-Alloy Steels under High-Stress Rolling-Sliding Condition, Tribology Transactions, 57 (2014) 631-636.

[12] L. Xu, S. Wei, D. Zhang, Y. Li, G. Zhang, J. Li, Fine structure and interface characteristic of alpha-Al2O3 in molybdenum alloy, Int J Refract Met H, 41 (2013) 483-488.

[13] L. Xu, S. Wei, Q. Liu, G. Zhang, J. Li, Microstructure and High-Temperature Frictional Wear Property of Mo-Based Composites Reinforced by Aluminum and Lanthanum Oxides, Tribology Transactions, 56 (2013) 833-840.

[14] L. Xu, S. Wei, J. Li, G. Zhang, B. Dai, Preparation, microstructure and properties of molybdenum alloys reinforced by in-situ Al2O3 particles, Int J Refract Met H, 30 (2012) 208-212.

[15] L. Xu, S. Wei, J. Li, G. Zhang, X. Ma, Microstructure and Corrosive Wear Property of Super High Chromium Cast Iron (SHCCI), in: Q.J. Gao (Ed.) Machinery, Materials Science And Engineering Applications, Pts 1 And 2, 2011, pp. 905.

[16] L. Xu, S. Wei, Y. Ji, G. Zhang, J. Li, R. Long, Effect of Carbon on Frictional Wear Behaviours of High Vanadium High Speed Steel under Dry Sliding Condition, in: J.F. Nie, A. Morton (Eds.) Mater Sci Forum, 2010, pp. 370.

[17] L. Xu, H. Chen, S. Wei, R. Long, Morphology of In-situ VC Ceramics in High Speed Steel with High Vanadium Content, in: W. Pan, J.H. Gong (Eds.) Chinese Ceramics Communications, 2010, pp. 46.

[18] L. Xu, J.P. Davim, Modelling cutting power and tool wear in turning of aluminium matrix composites using Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal Of Materials & Product Technology, 32 (2008) 333-342.

[19] L. Xu, J. Xing, S. Wei, Y. Zhang, R. Long, Optimisation of chemical composition of high speed steel with high vanadium content for abrasive wear using an artificial neural network, Mater Design, 28 (2007) 1031-1037.

[20] L. Xu, J. Xing, S. Wei, Y. Zhang, R. Long, Study on relative wear resistance and wear stability of high-speed steel with high vanadium content, Wear, 262 (2007) 253-261.

[21] L. Xu, H. Xing, S. Wei, Y. Zhang, R. Long, Optimization of heat treatment technique of high-vanadium high-speed steel based on back-propagation neural networks, Mater Design, 28 (2007) 1425-1432.

[22] L. Xu, J.P. Davim, R. Cardoso, Prediction on tribological behaviour of composite PEEK-CF30 using artificial neural networks, Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 189 (2007) 374-378.

[23] S. Wei, J. Zhu, l. Xu, Effects of vanadium and carbon on microstructures and abrasive wear resistance of high speed steel, Tribology International, 39 (2006) 641-648.

[24] X. Liujie, X. Jiandong, W. Shizhong, Z. Yongzhen, L. Rui, Investigation on wear behaviors of high-vanadium high-speed steel compared with high-chromium cast iron under rolling contact condition, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 434 (2006) 63-70.

[25]X. Wang, S. Wei, L. Xu, J. Li, X. Li, K. Shan, Preparation of w–cu nano-composite powders with high copper content using a chemical co-deposition technique, Adv Powder Technol, (2018).